We haven't had the developments we have hoped for so far, BUT I am going down to see verlande and will arrive there the morning of 1/1/12. what a great new years day morning that will be! Unfortunatley Ryan will not go because we waited until we found that there was a place to stay, and then the airline prices went up another 300. But it is okay, we just think Verlande has gone too long without having one of us visit, so HERE I GO, Haiti visit #3!
I can't wait to see Verlande. It will be 3.5 days there with her- I can't wait to share that time with her and see how she is.
Already I am thinking OH MY GOSH, what to bring her?!?! It is always so overwhelming because ANY little thing is so much, and I dont want to overwhelm her. And what would I bring to someone who doesn't have anything! Well, she has a few things now- a baby doll, some games and books, and the clothes we have given her, etc... What to play with someone who doesn't speak the same language, I hope hope hope it is all okay again like it was last time.
If we can get some progress on our case, we would need to go again about 6 months after we enter IBESR, and we hope to be into IBESR around the new year, so we will see! (I don't hold my breath!)
I can't wait to see Verlande!